Dr. Meng-Han Tsai, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Human Services and Public Policy, California State University-Monterey Bay.
Research interests are broadly related to health disparities with the following major research threads: (1) racial disparities, (2) cancer screening prevention and control, and (3) access to care/health care utilization.
Meng-Han Tsai, completed her PhD at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina – Department of Health Services Policy and Management. She is an assistant professor in the California State University- Monterey Bay. Her early research topics include discussing utilization and cancer prevention on colonoscopy screening and surveillance, utilization of emergency room, and development of patient interview tool for ambulance use among stroke patients. She has several years of experience with data management, SAS programming and analysis of clinical data with multi-level nested units of analysis. She has experiences on cancer registry, national survey, electronic medical record (EMR), Medicare claim, and longitudinal data as well. Currently, her research focuses on cancer screening prevention and control among the Latino population in an agricultural community, California. This study is to identify potential factors, such as health beliefs, cultural mediators, socio-environmental determinants, and healthcare delivery system factors that would explain the cancer screening utilization.