Anaïs Biclot
I am from France and I am currently doing a PhD at the KULeuven in Belgium in microbiology studying how bacteria interact in a human gut community. I’m fascinated by bacterial interactions and how they function as an ecosystem in different environments and how they are impacting our environment and health. Microscopic organisms are everywhere even though they cannot be seen, and I hope with MicroBites we can show how fascinating they are. Co-founder of MicroBites
Olivia Duddy
I am a fourth-year PhD student in the Bassler lab in the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University. My research interests lie at the intersection of chemistry and microbiology. I study interkingdom signaling in the bacterial pathogen Vibrio cholerae and a V. cholerae-infecting virus. Outside of lab, I enjoy reading and writing, and playing cards.